
I recently retired from a career in information technology as a programmer, architect and director to devote time to other pursuits.  Since I’ve always had an interest in politics and the relationship between political speech and political action (which often seems like it’s random or purely coincidental), I thought I’d explore some politically related topics in my spare time.  The topic I plan to begin with is who I should vote for in 2012.  I am an unaffiliated voter.  I supported Obama in 2008 and Gore and Kerry in the two elections before that and Dole, Clinton, George H. W. Bush, etc. before that.  I’m quite unsure who to support at this point and am writing this blog to force myself to do the appropriate research on the topics.  Since all undecided voters have their own criteria for choosing a candidate, I will also share my criteria and how I think the candidates stack up against it.  With some luck, I’ll post a couple times a week for the next ten weeks.  With lots of luck, I’ll walk into the voting booth with an answer I can be happy with.

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